dinsdag 22 september 2009

Wrong buttons!

Why, someone please tell me, for I'm dying to know,
did the designers, people who should know better because they build the damn things,
put wrong buttons, those buttons you Really don't want to press atany time,
in the Wrong places, where their easily accesable?

I mean, there you are, flying along in your Hulk, or whatever, because it really doesn't matter what you're flying, but for the sake of agument just take it that you're flying or else my point is moot if you, just as an example, are drinking in a station pub while your ship lies safely docked and powered doen in the port... you get my drift...

So, there you are, flying along at lightspeed, hyperspeed, pladspeed, whatever, the speed doesn't really matter, just as long as youy're flying at any speed, for hanging perfectly still in space can also be considdered as flying, but that's beside the point...

Again, so there you are, nicely flying along at anyspeed, when suddenly you notice, because you always suddenly notice things, never something comes along that you slowly notice, it's not like your eye will go for something like hey, well now, soon that light will go on and fleash red any time now, oh yes, there it is... but I'm getting of the subject...

Flying along, anyspeed, suddenly notice a light flashing and before you know it you're lying deda-still in your pod and your ship is disappearing on the horison... which isn't really a horison, but in space there is no direction, no up or down, no left or right, so if you turn sideways at any angle, the horizon will be there right before your eyes because it is only measured in your brain as the direct line extended from your two eyes... oh hell...

flying, anyspeed, flashing light, still in od, shp disapearing, yes, out of sight, still going at anyspeed and then you realise your elbow had been resting, just by accident, on the emergency escape button??

Which moron, idiot, halfwit, brainzombie of a designer thought that right in the elbow room would be a neat place to stick such a botton!


dinsdag 2 juni 2009

The ultimate speedrace

It just so happened that some cargo needed shifting after a mining op, and so I cloned myself for the occasion and flew a Fenrir and a Charon all the 12 jumps. Just for fun I raced them against each other and commented it in corp channel.
The original was in dutch, but for you, my loyal fans, I'll translate and embelesh it a bit, as usual. :P

Kyraiela > And the race is off... orca and charon have hit the start-off point at *bleep* - edited for safety reasons - at the same time, though Charon was already making the turn as Fenrir just exited the station, but hey, this happens. The object is who gets to *bleep* first. :D
Kyraiela > Just for the record, both ships run on autopilot on the same processor speed, to keep things fair.
Kyraiela > Annnddd the Fenrir takes the lead right from the get-go to jump into warp first.
Kyraiela > It's a bit of a mash, for as the Charon was already turning, it crossed the Fenrir's exit path, which was followed by a collision throwing the Charon off course in turn. But hey, that's the game, there are no rules. We're just bloody lucky neither ships have guns mounted for else it would be an expensive race.
Kyraiela > The AU of both ships is the same, so it will all hang on the speed the ships can make on the long stretch towards the gate.
Kyraiela > Owwww... disadvantage for the Charon to exit warp laying sideways and now corrective measures are needed before it can start on the first stretch, while the Fenrir is already zooming at top speed.
Kyraiela > It's a neck on neck race, in which the Fenrir seems to tick just a little faster than the Charon, in expertise to wrangle just a little bit more from the engines. But will they hold, that is the real question.
Kyraiela > It is true though that the Charon will get bonus points for the larger hold it's carrying, so who knows, it might just win on points alone... it's excitement all around.
Kyraiela > Annnddd the Fenrir is the first through the gate!
Kyraiela > Just at the time that Charon enters through the gate, Fenrir slips into warp, leaving just a trail of dust for Charon to follow. The speeds are amazing, what power and precision, truely it's mastery of both pilots.
Kyraiela > The fenrir seems to be caught in a hard turn at the *bleep* gate, Charon is closing in on it's heels, but the turn finishes just in time... no... no, wait.. It's Charon who takes the lead now, being first to warp! The is is truely amazing!
Kyraiela > We have no camera view within warp, but it is Fenrir who exited first, we have no idea what happened in there, but as said, theonly rule is that there are no rules and so the excitement continues towards the *bleep* gate.
Kyraiela > At this peak of thrills we have to go to commercials for just a little while, but stay tuned for this exiting and amazing death-defying race.
Kyraiela > *followed by three quarters of an hour about toothpaste and female hygene pads*

Kyraiela > Annndd we're back, the race is still on, for those who have just tuned in, this is live, the exciting race between two mammoths of the fleet, the Fenrir and the Charon, from *bleep* to *bleep*. Let's see how things are at the finishline.
Kyraiela > This is Biff at the finishline and neither ships are still in sight. The crowd is waiting anxiously, many people are together here in the observatory, overseeing the last stretch. The objective is, clearly stated, to enter the station first. Anddd there a dot appears, it's speeding straight for us, could it be... the fenrir or the charon... no, wait, it's just a pod from some low-sec moron. It's an easy mistake to make as the sizes are so absolutely different.
Kyraiela > Well that's all the time we have, stay tuned as we will get who won through into the next show. Thanks for watching and a good night to all.
Kyraiela > *three quarters of an hour about coffee-pads and female hygene pads, followed by a general health hazard message not to get the two mixed up, especially after using.*

Kyraiela > We interrupt this program of 'Recently escaped criminals who live near you' for this important message.
Kyraiela > This is sports newscast from around the galaxy, noting that it was indeed the fenrir who finished first. Though the Charon did put up a brave fight, it clearly was no match. But stay tuned, as the rematch of the race will soon start, and this time the ships will be fully loaded just to make a difference, just when our last fan walked out to get parts for his motor-cycle, Hey, we know this isn't much for sports, but it still better than watching soccer or hockey.

Kyraiela > *switches off the screen and pulls out a book from the shelf*


Oh my Goddess... it finally happened. :)

I was contacted by a complete unknown who had read my blog and commented me on it, and I mean in a positive way, for the last oddball started noting that my spelling wasn't all that. Well Frack you, I am dutch by origin and english isn't my native tongue. Just be happy I take the time at all to write to keep you entertained while you mine! Moron!
*takes deep breath*... I've been taking self-helf anger management classes... well.. tapes, but who cares.

But this guy was friendly and nice, we chatted for a while.
Next thing I know I visited a station's sauna and lo and behold, people recognised me! Some even came up to me to ask me if this was me who published this book. On which I pointed to the back of the cover and said I donno, looks like me'... :)
The word spread and finally now I can say I am famous. On one station in one particular place, but still.


Adore me.

Worship me.

Now if I can only get the ISK from it to buy a small out of the way station just for myself...


The gall of some people, really... just bluntly asking for ISK like 'I am poor, so pay me your hard-earned money' or the likes... really, if you're poor go work, there's plenty around, I'll even give you a tech 1 mining laser completely free if you'd just shut it and get to it,
Taking people hostage in lowsec for ransom, then shooting the ship and THEN asking for a pod-ransom... sigh. These people should just be strung up by their balls with a piano-string.

But sometimes you really find some treasures, who I award with the prize of 1 ISK, like this one:

Miss valentia > Wow, I was just given a large sum of ISK,.. and I feel like spreading the wealth. :), but I have to have some faith that you're not going to just "take the money and run", so send me some isk for faith, and I'll send you 2x times that back.

Some people you just gotta love, right? :)

donderdag 12 maart 2009

Beware of the Orca!

When I told people in Paradise I was training (for) an Orca, they gave me such curious glances that I dove a little into their history. Apparently some biology geek named a sea-creature after this beautiful ship, but what kind... it's a ferocious flesh-eating waterdweller who likes nothing better than to eat baby seals! My god man! Have some perspective! A true Orca is big, but gentle as it can't carry shit for weapons not mine worth a crap... it's just a nice flagship that when skilled right can give nice bonusses to group-effort mining.
SO to this biologist I'd like to say, get a grip! Instead of diving down into the blue and pesturing water animals, look up into the sky and see what happens overhead in the wonderful world of outer space! What you eat with, eat from, live in, drive in... life here began out there, far far away amongst the stars, where a small group of rag tag fugitive miners try to carve out a piece of the world for themselves. *cue music of the old Battlestar Galactica theme*

The Orca is doing fine though. I put in some modifications right from the start to make it more useful to the corp, like cargo rigs, cargo expanders and giant cargo cans to... well.. expand cargo capacity for one.
*unpause - music continues*

By the way, she's still at it, without interruptions. I must give credit to those stupid ass Gallente that their endirance seemingly knows no limits.
*unpause - music continues*

Don't you just hate people talking right through the credits of your favorite movie? I do...

donderdag 12 februari 2009

Return from Paradise and new pupil

I've been neglecting my duties to all of you, my fans, to update my blog, so here it goes.

Though Paradise was creat for a while, in the end I longed back for honest work of Icemining.
When I was back to work, I did long for the sauna I had there, so go figure, one always wants what one doesn't have, eh?
Oh well.. after her tour was up, I hesitated for a while to take on a new pupil. Not that the end-benefits of training her hadn' t been nice and partially paid in some small manner to the persuit of the Orca, but because of the moral implications of taking advantage of such an honest... oh bugger this, I was lazy, okey?
But the corp had different plans. Just after the first pupil another was thrust onto me, with whom I landed into a fistfight only three days in. That was the end of that contract and as a reward, corp gave me a friggin' Galente to train!
I mean.. Galente! Really! Not only was she stubborn and obnoxious, she had such a strange smell on her, like she did wash, but used soap made out of stale eggs or such. She called it her perfume... well ladieda to her for me not liking the stuff. And she's a thief too, enjoys nothing more than to take other people's cans and salvaging their wrecks.

She did amaze me though...
After a week or such, Corp finally forked over the 200 mil that was needed to buy the Orca. Not that I myself hadn't mined the total amount by then, but to leave me with a sense that the Orca wasn't 'just mine', but I had to share with others. Well I don't play well with others... so my readers who know me from the start well know I recon.
But hey, about amazement: she did find the time to fill the Orca with just 3 tech 1 mininglasers... took her about 10 ours or so, I donno... I trailed off after a while, letting her do her thing, finally having time again to do my other important stuff like updating my weblog for instance... and doing a little interior decorating (putting up some walls, the Orca is BIG) to secure me some private space and also take a long rest in the sauna and steamroom I had put in. Hey... might as well use the room when I got it right? The secret compartment in which I built this the corp will never find anyway, it's not like they will notice 5 m3 missing from a 117k m3 hold and corp-hanger.

woensdag 11 februari 2009

Trouble in Paradise

I've been here a week now and I do have to note some things down, as not all is Paradisial, which is a word I have just cooked up but quite covers the load.

1. The intranet is slow, and hickups about every hour. I went to check on my protogee through my brought along mobile command unit and it froze. She at that time was just fighting rats, her systems froze and she lost her first Rifter. So I bought her a new one and checked in two days later. I watched her fight off some rats, it was quite beautiful, but the next batch... freeze, lag, boom... second Rifter. She kindly asked me not to check in on her until I was back. Now that's gratitude for ya...
2. Somehow they continuesly run out of wine, though it's free and I should think they would have a good supply line.
3. The bathtub is just a little too small for comfort for three. (you heard me).
4. It's at least fifteen minutes drive with the local transport to get to any nearest town. Not that the pleasure centre doesn't have everything one could desire, but still, if you wanted to visit the locals... fifteen minutes... really.
5. I am constantly beset on my friendly, but quite overattentive and even obnoxious fully rodents, birds, deer and the like. I ran when the bear wanted to give me a hug.
6. The fireplace doesn't stay on long enough, the logs, freely delivered to my cottage, only have so long a burning time. About each hour I, or one of my caretakers I keep around, have to prod and poke to keep the fire going. Now is it too much to ask for slow-burning logs??
7. The sauna is sometimes a little too hot. Plus it doesn't go higher than 110 degrees celcius. It is not that I WANT to be in it at 110 degrees, but still it clearly shows the limit of the so famous Risa hospitality.
8. I, or any of my charges, have to clean up after ourselves! Now Really!
9. the wishwasher, coffee-maker and sometimes even the sauna make noises when their on. Sigh.
10. The hot buns delivered fresh every morning are too hot when they come from the oven. Though we don't have to put them in ourselves and the oven turns on automatically 15 minutes before I awake (from the grinding of the fresh coffee maker, so I think there is a pattern there), their too hot all the same.
11. The light of the sun-sky (it's a mobile solar unit inside the cottage, truely an invention) is too bright. Though there is a nob on it to turn it lower, the nob is ON the sunsky and so too hot to turn lower... Sigh... There was a remote control for it when I got the cabin, but it got lost somewhere.
12. The Senseo coffee is sometimes just a little too sharp when I've put just not enough sugar in it.

And most of all... I got soo much free time on my hands here that I sometimes even go WALKING out in the woods that surround my cabin. I have time to THINK and RELAX! Now That I really can't abide.
Oh... 13... the windows that run from floor to ceiling and are about half the walling of the house, give a great view on the woods around, but also give any walker a view into the cottage. Though I'm no prude, even a bit of naturalist and exhibitionist, I don't like shocking other people who really have no business seeing my business.
I came to this last point after a walk where I saw a man and a donkey... I don't adress this further, I think you're already getting a nice mental picture... but no... it was worse. Yes, that kind of worse. I really didn't have to see that.

On the whole... I miss home, my ship, my pod, fighting for my life, dully mining while listening to reggae, talking to people through convo... That sorta sums it up.

But with an advertising phrase like 'We cater to your every fantasy' I still think I'm gonna sue. :)

Welcome to Paradise 2

I wrote a beautiful epilogue, a brilliant piece of music that would echo through the ages only lacking notes, about my first days here in Risa, advertised with the phrase 'where all your dreams come true', and they really do keep up to their word and even I have a warped mind. :P For those who don't know it, Risa is a starsystem not on any common map to keep only the highest clientelle and keep away the dumb masses who would fuck it up for everyone. So if this is the first time you have heard of it, you might still be able to enter, if you're looking for it... well... keep looking, it will give you something to do.

But the server hickupped and gone was my beautiful flower of words... lost forever.

donderdag 5 februari 2009


Welll... as Corp-life would have it, I was 'volunteered' to train a new recruut, absolute noob, though her learning skills were quite capable. Minmatar, thank the Gods, for I wouldn't have suffered one of the uglier races, but rhgith of the bat she began shining about wanting to fly big ships like mine (just a BS, but what the hey, to her it was big). I sternly told her NO, that she wasn't ready and when she asked why not, I'd let her stunt around for a while in her Reaper in 0.6 space, which needles to say for shot to bits right from under her ass by the first rat she met. I know, I'm mean, but I just like myself like that.
Luckily the CCP is so kind when you loose a ship, to have a simler replacement ready. As things can't get simpler than a Reaper as even a frigging Shuttle is better, she just kept flying, shooting and shielding with what she found in loose cans (yes, i's stealing, but as she's not (yet) in my corp, I don't give a bugger). I gave her some pointers on how to best set up her skills, starting with salvaging, as this suited me the best as complimentairy to my mining and droning the rats from the sky. She did so, luckily, after I gave her a mil to buy her skills. In 14 hours flat, she completed her skillset, while three more Rifters were shot from her ass, and I bought a salvager for her to fit, thinking I was sinking an awful lot of money into this just one day old child, but hey, who cares, it's just ISK.
Then we set off, she trailing behind me, through the belts, me in my souped up Rifter (just about everything tech 2), and as I shot rats, she claimed and salvaged.
We shot and gathered, I was actually having fun and glad I didn't have to clean up the mess I made, when in the end, she was already learning for Rifter as she so liked seeing me flying it, yeah as is she'd ever get this good, and after this second day I gathered all we had shot, salvaged and hauled and sold it.
I was amazed at the result: We came to a whopping 11 mil ISK, just on her first day salvaging, second day in the pilot's seat!
And so I bought her the frigging Rifter she so yearned for. She's getting good lessons, so I don't see why I wouldn't get something out of it as well, right?

Next, when she can actually fly the thing, I told her to go for higher salvage-skills and shields... As for me, I'm taking a well-earned vacation for a week or so... I've heard Risa is nice this time of year.

zondag 18 januari 2009

Conspiracy theory 1

Okey.. here goes...

Ever noticed that the Rats just befor you shoot them down repackage all their stuff, so it's easier stacking for you?
I think all the Rats are just very very low grade clones, quite stupid, as they don't fly off and hide when they see you're in a much better ship.. no, they attack! Blind buggers...
First of all, there must be HUGE complexes, somewhere, pumping out those clones.
For those clones to appear in just about EVERY Goddess Damn System there must be a secret but huge transport network at work.
And since the Concord does nothing to prevent this illegal network and keeps it from the public, nor is in any hurry to take out those rats, but DO shoot at ANYONE making an honest mistake at shooting at another ship, I can only conclude one thing.


The Only corporation big enough to do this is the CCP!



Err.. no.. wait... I didn't say that... I might get a lawsuit on my ass for that, or get my gate rights re revoked

vrijdag 16 januari 2009

The Art of Warping (Or Being Warped)

YES! Finally! I was blankly staring at a rerun of Sum of All Fears (old movie), as I noted how the ship warped back to the Icemining field (yes, still) when it hit me, the thing I had wanted to blog about for a while now! WHOHO! Celebration!

Just for kicks, when I leave a station, I turn on my flightcamera's, you know, the ones that record your final glorious, or not so glorious, moments in battle so you can replay and replay them when you're dead... or something like that.
Sometimes I even put it on fast-record, so the playback at normal speed will be ultra-slow.
Souds weird? Well not if you read my reason.

The simple reason is this.
It often happens that whenwarp starts, near a station, the ship turns just about 180 degrees and heads right, or just about, back to where I came from, which is, the station, because, quite logical, the place I want to be is often at the other side... whythey didn't build the exit-ports on that side of the ship then I don't know, and is not the topic here.

But... imagine... flight recorder on ultra-fast, warp starts and just for that single second moment you are INSIDE the ship... sometimes you even get three or four flashes of the inside before you exit at the other side and warp speeds up. Why it doesn't leave a hole in the station I don't know, ask the nerds, errr Tech guys, and is again, not the topic.
The topic is those few flashes, that just a second of images passing by, at ultra fast recording... I can spend hours replaying those images, because you really pass through EVERYONE's bedroom, broomclauset and storage-room after a while and you can truely see what RABBITS the human population is... and I'm not.

Now I don't know if this is the Art of Warping or just Being Warped, but at least it's nice to remember something you've forgotten. :)
And I'll bet you'll never look at that small second flash ever the same again. :) You'll be wondering... you will...


Apparently I have begun to get a gathering of fans for my writing, because I get more and more requests to reguarly post new things. :)
I like that, a lot. But lately the request for my picture on my blog have come, and this I'd like to adress..

And NO I am not going to tell how I look (with my eyes moron!), how tall I am, what I weigh, cupsize (yeah, really).

We CAN talk about my sexual preferences (always a hot topic), my dress-sense, musical taste etc.

And I'll even Tell ya why.
Right now you like me for who I am, inside, my soul, warping out all this strange writing and shit, plus what pearls of wisdom/insanity I offer in chat channels. When you got a picture to see the skin that lies over the soul, you will either be:
1. appalled. You wouldn't like me anymore, just because I am not 'your style/taste/colour/whatever'
or 2. you'll like me more. just because I have skin, how I look, and not about Who I Am.

So sorry, my fans... this is me, like it or not... and if now you suddenly cannot find yourself to be a fan, then F*CK YOU.
True beauty really is more than skindeep, and that's not just something ugly and fat people say.

NO begging for cash PLEASE

This is not a funny story, it's true though... that some people have the NERVE to use the public channel to beg for ISK because their poor, need to support their drughabbit, their wife left them... it's quite simple... These people are just like Pidgeons!
The pideon, originally, was a beautiful forest animal, lives on worms and wild grans and such, until man came. The creature quickly domesticated, because it used it's cuteness factor (and utter stupidiy) to shit on everything they could find.
Somehow this became appealing, because people started FEEDING the bloody animals.
Pidgeons quickly became some halfbreed leach with wings, living off the scraps of mankind, and then mankind began writing SONGS about them! 'Feed the birds', 'Alle duiven op de Dam'. F*CKING IDIOTS!

All I can do is shout 'DON'T FEED THE BIRDS', because if you do, they will never learn to fend for themselves.
Space is big, huge, and there is plenty of oppertunity for everyone to become useful. Pikc up a mininglaser and go mine roids, check the market and go trade... there REALLY is no need for begging for other mans scraps, hoping they find you cute!

Having said this, I'd like to add one more comment.
If you like my stories and my writing, there really isn't a reason not to send me some ISK.
Writing is in my blood, I enjoy doing it, but working is so much hard work... so please... ... please, gimme some ISK.. I am poor and want to buy an Orca. *cutely bats eyes*

The Women Ship (true story)

This came to me from a friend (yes I have loads of friends) of mine... It's a true story as far as I know and it just pissed my pants when I heard it so thought to share it with all of you... both of you, okey, whomever reads this.

Supposidly some of the bigger spaceships once needed more crew than one to operate it, and so at one time, because there just were so much female applicants, they put all those women on one single ship. Quite figures that things went wrong, things broke down, and none of them had any idea how to fix it, because, well, men are just more technicly inclined and take less time to polish their toenails.

So a few men were deployed on that ship, it cruised around for a bit, and came back with a 20 to 30% pregnancy-rating!
Bloody hell! 3 men, about 40 women, and 30%... each one male... um... nope... I can't figure that. REALLY! WOMEN! Sometimes I forget that deep inside I am one, must be because of the lack of male compagnionship.

This is not the end... it goes on, yes really...

Those pregnant women were booted (hello), the rest were deployed all around other ships with the strictest forbidding that sex on board was NOT AN OPTION. Then the funniest thing happened, the women began running the ship. Not in the technical term, but they somehow became the most desired item 'to have' and so they could play the men to their hearts desire. but when docking time came, NONE of the men stayed with them, until boarding time and then again they were the most desired. Now HOW will you get someone F*cked up more, by during the voyage having them be the most desired and then be dropped like a brick, and then be desired again! Ego soars higher than the firmament and then drops like a bring into the deep nothing, to be lifted again...

Thank the gods nowadays were not that stupid anymore, to put men and woman together in a capsule... they tend to breed like rabbits and there just isn't enough room!
These days the ships thay fly with more than one on board is all male... 'because it's not gay while you're underway'. Now how's that for a corp-slogan!

Noobs... also named 'aren't they cute'

Noobs.... sigh...
We got 2 new ones in the corp and they remind me so much of who I used to be, when wide- and starry eyed entered the glamerous world of interstellar travel, with all of those uncharted spaces to explore.
Well, it's now... what... 2, 3? years later and still I am only a persec away from home, lying in an Icebelt, mining the shit out of it. oh, I fould a (quite communly used) loophole around the whole drone-flying thing... a friend sometimes let me fly also her ship on remote control, but it does mean deviding my attention to twice as many gages and dials... I got just about two virtual cockpits around me... it's like I'm seing double, but just 'just not quite'. Maybe soon I'll be able to run a double remote control, when CCP gets of it's ass and figures out why the third link doesn't work... buggerers... I still haven't forgotten the 'kind request to update your systems'... bloody dominant power-upsurbing tirants...

I think I'll just go and kill someone tonight... Who's with me.

Oh, I totally went off the topic there for a moment... Noobs, aren't they cute.

First one:
'Those Cargo Expanders, what do they do?'
'They make more room for cargo.'
'Oh. Cool. How do they do that?'
Well F*CK I donno... don't you just want to slap them around the room...

Second one:
'How do I fly those drones?'
'You buy them, put them in the drone bay, and you'll get an extra option to deploy them and make them do tasks.'
'yes, but HOW.'
'Huh? How What.'
'How do I tell them to do stuff.'
'Uh. you lost me.'
'Do I need to program them or something. Where do I buy those programs.'
'No bud, their preprogrammed.'
'Oh. That's a pitty.'
'Do I dare to ask,' she hesitantly asked.
'Well I like to get experiance in programming.'

Gods... sometimes... Argh...

The worst thing is that these two ARE NOT the two noobs in the corp. They get along spiffingly, did a lvl 3 mission with me just last night, didn't get killed, though I think one of them pissed his pants while yelling 'Holy Shit LOOK BEHIND YOU!' when a new band of rats jumped in about 2000 m behind us... okey, they were barges that left REALLY BIG blips on the screen, but still.
It's the two, sometimes more, noobs in my head that really can drive me crazy sometimes...

Thank the Gods I never had children... and never hope to have... Pitty for my mother, but I'm just not equipped for rugrats that feed peanutbutter sandwitches into the ships drive and screen reply system 'because the ship was hungry'. (TRUE STORY from a friend of mine!) KIDS ARE MUTANTS THAT THRIVED ON AND SPAWN FROM THE BELLY OF UNSUSPECTING WOMEN! Remember that next time you pat one... their just as likely to smile as take your arm off. I've seen nicer weavels.

POS, or what the f*ck??!!

Right... In this message I want to post my concerns to the growing generation of people who think it's 'neato' (anyone using that word should get shot, reward or not) to 'own their own POS'. I mean what the f*ck!!?? Isn't it enough anymore for people to own their own ship, now they need an entire STATION to fit their ego in? And guess who's gonna cry when someone else, who just hasn't got such a big POS as the other buy, takes the shine to shoot the damn thing to shreds... there will be tears, bloodfeuds, murder, chaos, end of the universe... All because some people 'have to own their own home'. RENT F*CKERS! It's CHEAPER!
Not only you DON'T pay for the loan to BUY the f*cking thing, you DON'T pay for all the repairs that need to be done now and again. You just pay the RENT.
Now some people will start weaseling like 'but I just can't find anything I like in the renting market'.. well TOUGH SHIT! We don't all get exactly what we want, it's part of living to take on the challenges to make due with what you can find and be happy with that.
'But I have to wait for my research so long' is another brilliant remark I got when I stated this in a friends channel (thanks for not kicking me out yet guys). Whell here is my brilliant reply: 'HAVE YOU GOT SOMETHING BETTER TO DO!?'
Gods, guys... you totally miss the point. Life is to life, not to make more money...
Oh well... my 20 minutes mining is up... time to head back to station... drop Ice and return here to mine so more...

Hmm.. me think me is doing something wrong here...


Is it me or would it be so f*cking simple to drive a fleet by yourself? I mean, just rig a drone, type of drone depending on what you want to do, INSIDE the cockpit of a ship and deploy it, fly out fleetwise, or if you really want to get picky, load the Orca with it, fly it to a belt, and go mass-mining, missionflying or whatever all by yourself in a group. It would mean a ship for every one of my personalities... I'd love that, to be able to wave to myself.

Sigh.. I miss friends I think... Spending far too much time alone in an ice-cold belt, taking ice into my hold... makes me feel... well.. cold inside.

Ice-mining / Loads Of Cash

Well now, it's been a while since I wrote something here (as someone *YES YOU*) pointed out...
Time for a new warpminded blog then...

The point is that when I thought 'Yes, I can blog that!' I was annoyingly blocked by my own password protection, to which I had no idea what this password was. After a lot of hassle I finally found it again, and now I forgot what I wanted to write about. Oh well, that's life I guess... In one ear, out the other.

But, for Icemining... Yes, I am into Icemining these days.
The new corp, (I got booted from the last one, can't imagine why, and with a few close friends we have risen a new corp, something some of us were already longing to do. But, as with everything, the corp needs CASH, and loads of it.
The good thing about Icemining is, is that it's all automated. You set up the ship in the belt, mining, takes about 20 minutes to fill up, and then you fly it home, drop stuff, fly back, another 20 minutes. Plently of time to do all household chores around the cabin and the hold, though strangely enough none of them seem to get done anyway. What is weird is that suddenly my life is devided into sections of 20 minutes with 5 to 10 minute intervals... hmmm.. must look into that sometime... when I have 20 minutes or so to spare...

First plan of the corp is to get an Orca and make EVEN MORE CASH, and so, yes I said the fool, am spending day and night Icemining in my hulky Hulk, trying to figure new sceams to get some cash together.
For one, the pawn-shop corp was a fun idea, people can leave ships there, will be stored on name in the corp hanger, in trade for half the worth of the ship. If the monthly fee, one-tenth of the loan, is paid, the ship stays where it is, until the loan is fully paid back. If the fee ISN'T paid, the loaner forfots on the ship, which then can be sold by the corp for less than it's worth. Couldn't be simpler right, money all around.
Of course there is the corp programming and such to get something like this working, but hey, that's for the nerds, I mean Techs to figure out. But for this plan to work, first thing that is needed is LOADS OF CASH, so damn, there I go again.

It seems that LOADS OF CASH, LOC for short, seems a big problem, a lock so to speak, on my whole planning.

And WHO STEALS MY IDEA I WILL FIGHT IN COURT OF LAW FOR MY BRAINCHILD! Sheesh... you can't trust anyone anymore, not even your own mind for remembering things... Life... don't talk to me about life... I mean... I'm LIVING IT! :)