I spent this evening in a quite interesting way, and thought I'd write a bit about it.
This might be very funny for the ones out there who know a little about hardwiring a ship, for the rest it's most likely to give a 'jeah... right'. I don'[t mind either one. :)
Trying to configure a second CPU into my ship setup so it would be easier to manage my many many activities I found it would boot, at all, and my ship sent out a signal, a signal I had never seen before.
It was a wide broadcast, I don't think it was picked up for there was no reply, but it did send out to a specific coding, and so I began tracing back what the hell was going on.
CPU: fine.
Cooling: fine. I dusted it off just in case.
Wiring: fine.
Memory: fine.
Storage: fine.
So why didn't the system boot?
Why was there this message, beeping over and over again?
I took the system apart.
I put it back together gain.
Still no boot.
Still beeping.
I took the system apart to it's least needed components,
and there it was again.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I ran a full diagnostic, disabeling the secondary system form the first.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
But I did somehow disrupt the signal going out, it now just noted that it couldn't, giving no further reason.
I docked, ran a check, and found references to this mysterious signal.
I cursed, ran back to my ship,
and plugged in a loose cable way at the back that connected a something with a something,
then I switched on the array and...
it started fine.
Sometimes I hate myself for being too smart, really.
I keep stumbling around in the dark
looking for deep solutins to even deeper problems,
when something is just as easy
as turning on the light.
dinsdag 5 januari 2010
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