zaterdag 16 januari 2010

Incarnation and G.H.O.S.T.

Now I have installed a couple of jump-clones, I have found other... well... I can only put it as 'personalities' linked to me.
I don't know how this happened, it definitely wasn't my fault, but I started a little experiment.
And I succeeded.
In not jumping to a jump-clone, which is kind of jumping forward (or back), but always into myself, though in a different body. But by jumping sideways, I found myself in a space I had not seen before.
There was a mid-space of non-creation, where I was free to incarnate myself into any race, any layer of the community, and choose my own name and how I look.
These 'Alts', for the lack of a better definition, are still low skilled, but can solve one of my biggest problems, namely CorpWars.

With these Alt incarnations, I can just go about my business, but when trouble starts, I can just jump sideways to an Alt, which is placed in a different corporation, and none shall be the wiser.
It's totally non-aggressive, so Ghandi, eat your heart out, will always give me my fun and will annoy anyone stupid enough to war against me, which is the best fun of all.

What if an entire corp worked like this.
Warmakers would pay through the nose to keep a war against an empty corp with no one to kill.
I think I would call it GHOST-corp, as like ghosts we are gone when you look straight at us.
When advertised directly on corp information, it would even reduce the number of wars against us, for warmakers would know our infallible tactic and just leave it be, no shops to destroy and so profit to be made.

We would own no structures and just rent, or move a highsec POS from place to place, packing it in when war was declared. Only when we ourselves cause a war could we be harmed.
With good profits and minimal losses, we would be non-aggressive kings and queens of the Universe!!

Now I only need to solve the riddle what the letters G.H.O.S.T. stand for... It must be something to do with what we are, not being there when the shit happens... anyone got idea's? :) Maybe corp-ticker GHANDI? :D

You gotta love the possibilities of the world we live in...

zaterdag 9 januari 2010

Universal Blackout

I am shocked.
I am outraged.
I... I don't have words to express how shockingly outraged I am.

Refitting my ship, I suddenly found my hand clasping around in absolute darkness.
No light. Nothing.

Though a window I saw stars go out one by one, while I heard the beat of a distant drum... or I could have imagined it, I'm not sure.
In all the universe the light was dying, fading, popping out of existance and just for a moment,
just for one a moment in time,
I was afraid of the dark.
Then I stood up, pounded my fists against the glass (lucky it was there and not a forcefield holding the nothing out or else a cold corpse would be typing now,
I raged, Raged against the dying of the light, but found it too tiring,
and then I thought a marvelous thought, a wonderous thought.
I thought about all the billions and billions of people out there,
who were seeing exactly the same as I did,
experiancing what I felt in this giant blackout,
and never before did I feel so completely one with the universe.

How can I be the only one thinking this?
There must be more, amongst the billions,
people who can shout out with me and turn this tide of voilence,
for underneath all these different clothes and different skins we are all the same,
descendants of the Old Race, Brothers and Sisters alike,
united through a single heratage,
called the human race!

And then I thought of one person,
somewhere inbetween all those billions of people,
who had found the plug to the universal fusebox
and found it funny to just see what happens if he'd pull it.
Him I now HATE and will hunt and kill until he's Dead!

PS. Traffic Advisory Officials are supposed only to ADVISE on travel routes, not close down complete damn StarGates!! Them I hate too.

The rest of you... well... the moment of universal oneness passed and now you'll all have to proove yourself to me to be my friend. Donations of large sums of ISK help. :)

dinsdag 5 januari 2010


I spent this evening in a quite interesting way, and thought I'd write a bit about it.
This might be very funny for the ones out there who know a little about hardwiring a ship, for the rest it's most likely to give a 'jeah... right'. I don'[t mind either one. :)

Trying to configure a second CPU into my ship setup so it would be easier to manage my many many activities I found it would boot, at all, and my ship sent out a signal, a signal I had never seen before.
It was a wide broadcast, I don't think it was picked up for there was no reply, but it did send out to a specific coding, and so I began tracing back what the hell was going on.
CPU: fine.
Cooling: fine. I dusted it off just in case.
Wiring: fine.
Memory: fine.
Storage: fine.

So why didn't the system boot?
Why was there this message, beeping over and over again?

I took the system apart.
I put it back together gain.
Still no boot.
Still beeping.

I took the system apart to it's least needed components,
and there it was again.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

I ran a full diagnostic, disabeling the secondary system form the first.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
But I did somehow disrupt the signal going out, it now just noted that it couldn't, giving no further reason.

I docked, ran a check, and found references to this mysterious signal.
I cursed, ran back to my ship,
and plugged in a loose cable way at the back that connected a something with a something,
then I switched on the array and...
it started fine.

Sometimes I hate myself for being too smart, really.
I keep stumbling around in the dark
looking for deep solutins to even deeper problems,
when something is just as easy
as turning on the light.

Blinking red light

Sometimes I get this feeling,
and I don't know if you recognise this,
but I think you do, or at least will when you've read it,
that there is something that you are forgetting,
because there is a nagging sensation,
pulling at you from somewhere,
telling you something,
but in a language you just don't understand,
or is just that bit too far away,
to hear.

(now you have read it, do you know the feeling?)

I got this feeling today,
when I noticed on my controlpannel,
this blinking red light,
flashing on and off,
on and off,
and on and off.
Not in a threatening manner
like onoffonoffonoffonoff
saying 'you're gonna DIE!
but just on
and off
and on
and off.
Really quiet,
rythmic even.

And it kept me thinking,
why are you blinking at me,
little red light,
what are you trying to tell me.
Whisper it to me,
little red light,
is there something I've forgotten?
Did I turn you on to help me remember something,
or are you on a timer which I set?
Tell me, little red light,
I want to remember,
I am sorry I forgot,
so please... help me out,
just a little bit.

And ony then you see the smoke rising from your aft-burners,
and you find you, just for a moment, wasn't paying attention,
but that someone was shooting you right out of your stuffing in the meantime,
but just 1/5th on hull Concord interviened and shot the git to hell!?

this happened to me today.

How was your day?