donderdag 5 februari 2009


Welll... as Corp-life would have it, I was 'volunteered' to train a new recruut, absolute noob, though her learning skills were quite capable. Minmatar, thank the Gods, for I wouldn't have suffered one of the uglier races, but rhgith of the bat she began shining about wanting to fly big ships like mine (just a BS, but what the hey, to her it was big). I sternly told her NO, that she wasn't ready and when she asked why not, I'd let her stunt around for a while in her Reaper in 0.6 space, which needles to say for shot to bits right from under her ass by the first rat she met. I know, I'm mean, but I just like myself like that.
Luckily the CCP is so kind when you loose a ship, to have a simler replacement ready. As things can't get simpler than a Reaper as even a frigging Shuttle is better, she just kept flying, shooting and shielding with what she found in loose cans (yes, i's stealing, but as she's not (yet) in my corp, I don't give a bugger). I gave her some pointers on how to best set up her skills, starting with salvaging, as this suited me the best as complimentairy to my mining and droning the rats from the sky. She did so, luckily, after I gave her a mil to buy her skills. In 14 hours flat, she completed her skillset, while three more Rifters were shot from her ass, and I bought a salvager for her to fit, thinking I was sinking an awful lot of money into this just one day old child, but hey, who cares, it's just ISK.
Then we set off, she trailing behind me, through the belts, me in my souped up Rifter (just about everything tech 2), and as I shot rats, she claimed and salvaged.
We shot and gathered, I was actually having fun and glad I didn't have to clean up the mess I made, when in the end, she was already learning for Rifter as she so liked seeing me flying it, yeah as is she'd ever get this good, and after this second day I gathered all we had shot, salvaged and hauled and sold it.
I was amazed at the result: We came to a whopping 11 mil ISK, just on her first day salvaging, second day in the pilot's seat!
And so I bought her the frigging Rifter she so yearned for. She's getting good lessons, so I don't see why I wouldn't get something out of it as well, right?

Next, when she can actually fly the thing, I told her to go for higher salvage-skills and shields... As for me, I'm taking a well-earned vacation for a week or so... I've heard Risa is nice this time of year.

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